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Our Warranty
Terms and Conditions

Our Warranty

We provide a standard 3 month warranty on all repairs and services provided at Click Reigate.

You may void any warranty currently active with your device supplier or manufacturer when your device is repaired or services by a third party.

Our warranty only applies to the parts used in the repair. You will be provided with a repair tracking number prior to commencemnt of repair which is you will be required to provide with any warranty claim.

 Warranty Exclusions:

  • If we are unabe to test a device in advance of the repair, our warranty does only covers the parts used to fix  the issue reported to us.
  • We do not provide a warranty on any device that has suffered water damage prior to or after a repair.
  • Your warranty will be voided if the device has been opened by the customer or a third party after the date the device was repaired at Click.